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Why do people choose Shopify over Wix?

Why do people choose Shopify over Wix?

When it comes to building an online store, there are plenty of platforms available to choose from. Two popular options are Shopify and Wix. While both offer website building capabilities, there are distinct reasons why many people prefer Shopify over Wix for their e-commerce needs.

1. E-commerce focus

One of the key reasons people choose Shopify over Wix is because Shopify is specifically designed for e-commerce. It offers a comprehensive range of features and tools tailored to meet the needs of online businesses. From inventory management to payment processing, Shopify provides a seamless and robust platform to run an online store.

Shopify prides itself on being an e-commerce powerhouse, and this focus sets it apart from Wix. While Wix does offer e-commerce capabilities, it also caters to a wide range of other website types. As a result, some users feel that Wix’s e-commerce features may not be as advanced and tailored to their specific business needs.

2. Design flexibility

Another advantage of using Shopify is its design flexibility. The platform offers a wide range of professionally designed themes that can be customized to match a brand’s unique style. Shopify also allows users to edit HTML and CSS code, giving them greater control over the appearance and functionality of their online store.

On the other hand, Wix is known for its drag-and-drop website editor, which makes it easy for beginners to create visually appealing websites. However, this simplicity can sometimes limit the customization options available to more experienced users who want to have more control over their site’s design.

3. App integrations and scalability

Shopify’s extensive range of app integrations is another reason why it frequently wins over Wix. With thousands of apps available in the Shopify App Store, users have access to a wide range of tools and features that can enhance their online store’s functionality.

Furthermore, Shopify offers a highly scalable platform, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re just starting out or experiencing rapid growth, Shopify can accommodate your needs. Its robust infrastructure ensures that your online store can handle increased traffic and sales volume without compromising on performance.

4. Customer support and community

Shopify’s reputation for excellent customer support is often cited as a major advantage compared to Wix. Shopify offers 24/7 support via live chat, email, and phone, ensuring that users can get quick help whenever they need it.

“The level of customer support provided by Shopify is unmatched. Whenever I’ve encountered an issue or had a question, their support team has been incredibly helpful.” – John, small business owner

Additionally, Shopify boasts a large and active community of users and experts. This means there are plenty of resources, forums, and tutorials available to help users make the most of the platform and solve any issues they may encounter.

Final thoughts

While both Shopify and Wix offer website building capabilities, Shopify’s specialization in e-commerce, design flexibility, app integrations, scalability, and customer support make it a preferred choice for many online businesses. However, it’s important to evaluate your specific needs and priorities before making a decision. Consider factors such as budget, technical expertise, and long-term growth plans to determine which platform is the right fit for your online store.

Is it easier to sell on Wix or Shopify?

When it comes to creating an online store, two popular platforms that often come up in discussions are Wix and Shopify. Both have their own unique features and advantages, but which one is easier to sell on? Let’s take a closer look:

1. User-Friendliness

Wix is known for its drag-and-drop website builder, making it very user-friendly, even for beginners. With its intuitive interface and easy-to-use tools, you can set up your online store quickly without any technical knowledge.

Shopify, on the other hand, is designed specifically for ecommerce, so it offers more advanced features for selling products online. While it may have a steeper learning curve compared to Wix, it provides more flexibility and customization options for growing your online store.

2. Design and Templates

Wix offers a wide range of beautifully designed templates that you can easily customize to match your brand. You can choose from various industry-specific templates and make changes using the drag-and-drop editor. This allows you to create a visually appealing online store without any coding skills.

Shopify also provides professionally designed templates, but they are more focused on ecommerce functionality rather than customization. Although you can still customize these templates, it may require some basic HTML and CSS knowledge to make significant design changes.

3. Ecommerce Features and Flexibility

When it comes to selling products online, Shopify is undoubtedly the more powerful platform. It offers advanced ecommerce features such as inventory management, secure payment gateways, shipping options, and more. Additionally, there are numerous apps and integrations available to enhance your store’s functionality.

While Wix also has ecommerce capabilities, it is more suitable for small to medium-sized businesses with simpler needs. It offers essential features like product listings and secure payments, but lacks the extensive range of options and integrations that Shopify provides.

In conclusion, both Wix and Shopify have their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to selling products online. If you’re looking for a user-friendly platform with visually appealing templates and simplicity, Wix might be the right choice for you. However, if you need more advanced ecommerce features, flexibility, and scalability, Shopify is the preferred option.

Which is more expensive: WordPress or Wix?

When it comes to creating a website, one of the first decisions you need to make is which platform to use. WordPress and Wix are two popular options, but which one is more expensive? Let’s break down the costs of each platform to help you make an informed decision.


WordPress is an open-source Content Management System (CMS) that allows you to build and customize your website. While the WordPress software itself is free, there are still costs associated with creating a website using WordPress:

  • Hosting: You’ll need to find a hosting provider to store your website’s files. Prices for hosting can vary depending on the provider and the hosting plan you choose.
  • Domain: Having a unique domain name is important for branding. Domain prices also vary depending on the domain registrar.
  • Themes and Plugins: WordPress offers thousands of themes and plugins to enhance your website’s functionality and design. While many are free, some premium themes and plugins come with a price tag.

Average costs for WordPress hosting and domain range from £3 to £20 per month, while premium themes and plugins can cost anywhere from £30 to £100 or more, depending on your requirements.


Wix, on the other hand, is a website builder that provides an all-in-one solution for creating and hosting your website. With Wix, you don’t need to worry about finding separate hosting or installing software. Here are the costs associated with using Wix:

  • Subscription: Wix offers various subscription plans, ranging from basic to business-level. The prices depend on the features and resources you need.
  • Domain: Like WordPress, having a domain name is necessary. Wix also allows you to purchase a domain directly through their platform.
  • Add-ons: Wix has an extensive marketplace of apps and extensions that can enhance your website’s functionality. Some are free, while others come at an additional cost.

Wix subscription plans start at £3 per month for basic features and go up to £22 per month for e-commerce capabilities. Domain prices typically range from £10 to £20 per year.

The Verdict

While WordPress requires some additional costs for hosting and premium themes/plugins, Wix offers an all-in-one package that simplifies the process.

If you have the technical know-how and want more flexibility in your website’s design and functionality, WordPress might be the more cost-effective option in the long run. However, if you prefer a user-friendly platform with everything included, Wix can be a convenient choice.

Ultimately, the decision between WordPress and Wix depends on your specific needs and budget. Consider the level of customization and control you require, as well as the ongoing costs of maintenance and updates, when making your choice.

Is Wix a Russian company?

There has been some speculation and confusion surrounding the origins of Wix, a popular website builder. Some people have questioned whether Wix is a Russian company due to its founders’ Russian heritage. However, this is not entirely accurate.

The Israeli Connection

Wix was actually founded in 2006 by Avishai Abrahami, Nadav Abrahami, and Giora Kaplan, who are all originally from Israel. The company’s headquarters is located in Tel Aviv, Israel. While it is true that the founders have Russian roots, Wix itself is not a Russian company.

Avishai Abrahami, one of the founders of Wix, emphasized in an interview:

“Wix is an Israeli company, based in Israel, with an international presence. Our team is diverse, with employees from all over the world, but our roots and main operations are in Israel.”

Expanding Globally

Since its inception, Wix has expanded its reach and gained popularity worldwide. It currently serves millions of users globally, including a significant user base in the UK. Wix provides a user-friendly platform for individuals and businesses to create and manage their websites without any coding knowledge.

Why should I switch from Wix to WordPress?

Are you considering switching from Wix to WordPress? Making the move to WordPress can offer you greater flexibility, customization options, and control over your website. Here are a few reasons why you should consider switching:

1. Flexibility and Customization

WordPress offers a wide range of themes and plugins that allow you to customize your website according to your needs. With thousands of free and premium options available, you can easily find a theme that matches your brand and design preferences. Additionally, WordPress allows you to have complete control over the design and functionality of your website, giving you the flexibility to create a unique online presence.

2. SEO-Friendly

WordPress is known for its search engine optimization (SEO) capabilities. The platform is designed to be SEO-friendly, making it easier for your website to rank higher in search engine results. In addition, there are numerous plugins available that can further enhance your website’s SEO, such as Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack.

3. Community Support

WordPress has a large and active community of users and developers who contribute to the platform’s development and provide support. If you encounter any issues or have questions, you can always find help through forums, blogs, and online communities dedicated to WordPress.

4. Scalability

WordPress is highly scalable, allowing your website to grow as your business or blog expands. Whether you want to add new features, integrate e-commerce functionality, or create a membership site, WordPress provides the tools and resources to support your goals.

5. Ownership and Control

When using Wix, you are tied to their platform and hosting services. Switching to WordPress gives you ownership and control over your website. You can choose your own web hosting provider, create regular backups, and have complete control over your site’s data.

“Making the move to WordPress can offer you greater flexibility, customization options, and control over your website.”

In summary, while Wix offers a user-friendly interface for beginners, switching to WordPress can provide you with more flexibility, customization options, and control over your website’s design and functionality. With its SEO capabilities, community support, scalability, and ownership benefits, WordPress is a popular choice among website owners and bloggers.


In conclusion, while the founders of Wix have Russian heritage, it is incorrect to label Wix as a Russian company. Wix is proudly an Israeli company that has achieved global success. Its user-friendly website builder has helped countless individuals and businesses create stunning websites, and it continues to be a top choice for website creation across the world.

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